# Vuepress


VueDisqus is part of @vuepress/plugin-blog, opens in a new window and just define disqus in the plugin configuration options, opens in a new window .

If you are not using the @vuepress/plugin-blog, you can use VueDisqus normally by importing the component locally.

    <!-- omitted -->
    <div class='comments'>
      <Disqus shortname='your_shortname_disqus' />

import { Disqus } from 'vue-disqus'

export default {
  name: 'PostPage',
  components: {

Or importing globally into your enhanceApp.js

import VueDisqus from 'vue-disqus'

export default ({ Vue }) => {
  Vue.use(VueDisqus, {
    shortname: 'your_shortname_disqus'
    <!-- omitted -->
    <div class='comments'>
      <Disqus />