# Disqus

# Usage

You can import the Disqus component individually.

    <!-- omitted -->
    <div class='comments'>
      <Disqus shortname='your_shortname_disqus' />

import { Disqus } from 'vue-disqus'

export default {
  name: 'PostPage',
  components: {

# Props

# shortname

Type Required
String It's required if the component is registered locally

A shortname is the unique identifier assigned to a Disqus site and tells Disqus to load only your site's comments.

<Disqus shortname='your_shortname_disqus' />

# pageConfig

Type Required
Object false

Page configuration properties are used as parameters for Disqus' behaviors and settings.

Key Default Description (Tells the Disqus service)
url document.baseURI The URL of the current page. See more, opens in a new window
identifier $route.path or location.pathname How to identify the current page.
The identifier is used to look up the correct thread. See more, opens in a new window
title document.title The title of the current page. See more, opens in a new window
category_id The category to be used for the current page. See more, opens in a new window
  <div class='comments'>
    <Disqus :pageConfig="pageConfig" />

export default {
  // ...
  data: () => ({
    pageConfig: {
      title: 'My custom title',
      category_id: 'sports'


If you are using the vue-router always opt for HTML5 history: mode.

# ssoConfig

Type Required
Object false

Single sign-on (SSO) is a protocol for authenticating an existing user to comment without registering for a global Disqus account. See more, opens in a new window

Key Description
name Your site's name. We will display it in the Post As window.
button Address of the image that acts as a button. Disqus 2012 users, see style guide below.
icon Address of the image that appears on the login modal's SSO tab. Favicons work well here
url Address of your login page.
logout Address of your logout page.
width Width of the login popup window. Default is 800.
height Height of the login popup window. Default is 400.
  <div class='comments'>
    <Disqus :ssoConfig="ssoConfig" />

export default {
  // ...
  data: () => ({
    ssoConfig: {
      name: 'SampleNews',
      button: 'http://example.com/images/samplenews.gif',
      icon: 'http://example.com/favicon.png',
      url: 'http://example.com/login/',
      logout: 'http://example.com/logout/',
      width: '800',
      height: '400'

# lang

Type Required
String false

Disqus currently supports dozens of languages, ranging from Arabic to Ukrainian. For a full list of supported languages, see the Disqus project on Transifex, opens in a new window .

<Disqus lang="fr_CA" />


e.g. French (Canada) => fr_CA, see more about language codes, opens in a new window

# lazy

Type Default
String true

Apply lazy load in disqus script and embed.

# lazyConfig

Type Default
Object { root: null, rootMargin: '300px', threshold: 0.5 }

Customize the options of the IntersectionObserver.

# Events

VueDisqus registers events ($emit) for each callback available in the disqus API.

Event name Description
ready When Disqus is ready.
(This can be used to show a placeholder or loading indicator).
new-comment When a new comment is posted.
(This can be used to track new comments and replies, for example via Google Analytics).
  <div class='comments'>
    <Disqus @new-comment="newComment" />

export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
    newComment ({ id, text }) {
      // your code